Dr. iur. Christian Gerloff
Specialist in insolvency and reorganization law
Born 1968
- Studied law at the Martin Luther University Halle/Wittenberg (Saale).
First state examination 1995 in Halle.
2nd state examination 1998 in Halle. - 2007 PhD at the University of Cologne with a thesis on insolvency law.
- 1998 to 1999 lawyer in a law firm in Leipzig specializing in insolvency law.
- Since 2000 working as a lawyer at Gerloff - Liebler Rechtsanwälte, Munich.
Key aspects
- Insolvency administration
- Debtor-in-posession proceedings ("self-administration/administration")
- Restructuring advice
- Reorganisation trusteeships
- M&A transactions
Additional activities
- Managing Partner GL Change-Management GmbH
- Speaker at further education events
- Author of several publications in the field of insolvency law
- Member of the NIVD - New Association of Insolvency Administrators in Germany
- Member of Forum 270 - Quality and Responsibility in Self-Administration e.V.
- Sanierungsgeschäftsführer der Esprit-Deutschland-Gruppe (Esprit Europe GmbH, Esprit Retail B.V. & Co. KG, Esprit Europe Services GmbH, Esprit Wholesale GmbH, ESPRIT Design & Product Development GmbH, Esprit Global Image GmbH, Esprit Card Service GmbH) und Liquidator der Esprit Cares Trust gGmbH
- Generalbevollmächtigter der Gerry Weber Retail GmbH
- Reorganisation Board Member/Managing Director (CRO) of Rudolf Wöhrl AG/Rudolf Wöhrl the house of Markenkleidung GmbH & Co. KG, Nuremberg (debtor-in-posession proceedings)
- Reorganisation Managing Director (CRO) of K&L Handels GmbH & CO. KG, Weilheim i. Obb. (debtor-in-posession proceedings)
- General representative of Escape Clothing GmbH, Brannenburg (debtor-in-posession proceedings)
- General representative of GERRY WEBER International AG / GERRY WEBER Retail GmbH & Co. KG
- Executive Vice President of Adler Modemärkte AG, Adler Mode GmbH, Adler Orange GmbH & Co. KG